Hi there thrifty folks! How are you?
I've been lucky and found some bits that didn't have to arrive in the mail. I found this Pyrex Cinderella dish at the only charity shop near my office. It was my first find there and I was happy to hand over my £3 and make off with it. I hope that I find many more things there. Its nice when your money goes towards something you want and to a good cause. However, buying off of eBay doesn't really bother me.

Next up at Spittalfields I found a massive pile of Woods Ware Jasmine plates. Now, I've got loads of plates and if I buy any more Mr. Grumpy will divorce me. Therefore I left the plates and just asked to buy these two bowls. I have a couple of Beryl bowls in the same size, so these were a good addition. I paid £5 for these, more than I would in a charity shop, but less than I would on eBay so I was happy with the purchase.
I’m going to link up with Her Library
Adventures and Flea Market finds, Magpie Monday at Me and
my Shadow, Thrift Share Monday at Apron
Thrift Girl and Thrifty Love over at Cap Creations.