Morning everyone! How goes it in the land of thrift? I've had a pretty good week myself.
First up is this beautiful tin! It joins its cake equivalent that I bought off of eBay ages ago. I found this in a junk/vintage shop called This Shop Rocks on Brick Lane. A lot of the items are rather pricey, but this was only £3. I try to get there at least once a week and was thrilled to find this beautiful tin.

This Schott Mainz - Jenaer Glass bowl took all of my bargining powers to get. I found it at Spittlfields Market and the seller wanted £9. I felt like that was nuts so I put it down and walked away. I couldn't stop thinking about it though and after picking up my lunch I headed back. I managed to get him down to £5. He said no at first, but I pointed out that the decoration had a bit of damage and he caved. At first I thought that Schott Mainz was the German version of Pyrex, but after a bit of research I learned that its the company that invented the type of glass Pyrex is made of. I think this is so pretty and was an amazing addition to my collection.
So, what did you find this week? Do you have any tried and true bargining tips?
I’m going to link up with Magpie Monday at Me and my Shadow, and Thrift Share Monday at Apron Thrift Girl, and Thrifty Love at Cap Creations.